Here we present a calendar of some of the many Tuscan annual festivals and fairs, and also some Umbrian and other folkloric events. For additional information on this endlessly fascinating subject, please also refer to
Festivals of Tuscany where the most important Tuscan festivals are described in greater detail.
planning a holiday in Tuscany should keep in mind that
many of these folkloric events are INCREDIBLY
GOOD and if at all possible you should try to see one or more
of them. In recent years, the costumes and skills of the
participants have become highly polished while retaining -
indeed increasing - local participation and enthusiasm.

January 2024 Tuscany Events and Festivals
Night 5 January
Piancastagnaio Befanate
On the night between 5 and 6 January, groups of men go from poderi to poderi and the villages offering a begging song. They are the
“befanotti”, dressed in old clothes and with their faces dirty with soot. The text of the song describes the character of the
befana, who promises gifts for everyone, and ends with requests for offerings. The gifts collected, usually food, are eaten in a meal shared among the “befanotti” or are sold for division of the proceeds. This festival also takes place in the
Maremma villages of
Alberese, Braccagni, Poderi di Montemerano and
Monterotondo, and in the area of Monte Amiata in the villages of
Saragiolo, Bagnore, Bagnolo and Marroneto.
6 January
Sinalunga Fiera dell’Epifania
Epiphany Fair. The arrival of the Three Wise Men is represented.
17 January
Abbadia San Salvadore
Festa S.Antonio Abate
The Festival of St. Anthony the Abbot. Blessing of the animals.
17 January
Castiglione d'Orcia Festa S.Antonio Abate
The Festival of St. Anthony the Abbot. Blessing of the grain.
17 January
Campiglia d'Orcia Festa di S.Antonio Abate
The Festival of St. Anthony the Abbot. Blessing of the grain.
17 January
Piancastagnaio Festa S.Antonio Abate
Blessing of the animals and distribution of blessed bread.
17 January
Radicofani Festa S.Antonio Abate
Blessing of the animals, the grain and the hay, and distribution of blessed bread.
First Sunday after 17 January
Torrita di Siena Festa S.Antonio Abate
Festivals of St. Anthony the Abbot.
31 January
San Gimignano Festa e fiera di San Gimignano
San Gimignano Festival and Fair. The fair is held in Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Cistern. Offering of the church candle, blessing of the city.